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Fish roll is almost same as meat pie, chicken pie and all other pies infact. The only difference is its filling; Fish.

½ tsp salt
¼ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp yeast
¼ tsp curry powder
½ medium chopped onion
2 tbsp sugar
Plain flour (250g)
Unsalted Butter (125g)
Cold water
1 egg
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Sardines for the filling

Preparing the Fish Roll
·         Take the sardines from the tin and place in a deep pan under high heat, and then add the curry and onions for about 10 minutes. Let it simmer for about 5minutes, then leave to cool
·         Mix the yeast in warm water for about 5minutes
·         Mix the flour, sugar, salt and unsalted butter till the dough becomes completely smooth (You may mix it with a mixer or your hand. Then add the yeast mixture to this mix
·         Take the dough out and place on a clean surface then sprinkle a bit of flour on the surface and knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Leave for 30 minutes to set
·         Divide the dough into about 30 portions or even as much as your dough can take (Note: May be about 20 portions if you like thick rolls like mime)
·         Sprinkle flour on the surface and use a rolling pin to roll each dough portions out until it becomes large
·         Put a spoon of the fish mix, roll it up and repeat the same process for all the other portions
·         Heat up a deep pan with oil, until it becomes hot such that anything placed into it turns brown
·         Gently place the fish roll in the oil and deep fry for about 5-8minutes, until it becomes golden crisp
·         Carefully remove the fish roll from the oil using a spoon and place them on a kitchen paper.
·         Serve when it is cool

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